Lily White's Club Guide



Nickname: 'The Robins'


Latham Park

Tel 01686 622666 / 623130 (Ground)
01686 626159 (Social Club)
Fax 01686 623813

Web Site:


Ground Views

Main Stand April 2000

The Main Stand at Latham Park, pictured in April 2000.

The new stand

The recently built new stand that is adjacent to the Main Stand.

TV gantry

The impressive TV gantry with seated accommodation below.

Behind the goal

The Seating behind the goal.


Programme Guide (1999/2000):

Price: £1
No. Pages: 48

Lily's opinion:

The Newtown programme has always been one of the best presented in the league. They always put the match details on the cover and list the two teams on the back along with the details of the officials,next game, etc.

They favour the format of putting the photocopied 'content' sheets in the centre of the programme and surrounding them with an outer shell of glossy advert pages.

There's plenty to read inside, but the quality of the photocopying is hit and miss and you tend to feel that if printed, the programme would be the best in the league.

Still a good buy nonetheless. Make sure you get yours at Latham Park!


Programme Cover


Lily's Jottings

Lily has always enjoyed trips to Newtown - despite Rhyl failing on so many occasions to actually gain any points from there!

Latham Park is one of premier venues for playing football in the League of Wales, and has been awarded many international fixtures, Welsh Cup semi-finals and other glamour games over recent years.

Although the stadium does look rather dis-jointed with Stands "Here and there", the club are building steadily for the future and are doing so bit-by-bit, working within their constraints. They have a strong, hardworking committee with a decent level of support in the town.

They are one of the few LoW clubs to have a successful Social Club on-site, and this has been the scene of many a post mortem for Rhyl fans!

The ground is only five minutes walk from town centre, where a large number of eating houses, public houses and shops are available to satisfy your pre-match needs. The market hall is open on Saturdays so there's always a chance of picking up a bargain. Lily has also found "Rainbow Records" on the road leading to the ground a worthwhile stop.

One of the best trips of the season, and very easy to get to. The ground is situated behind the town's police station.



Lily's 'Match Experience' Rating = 9/10


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Lily White's views are not endorsed by Rhyl Football Club but are published
on these pages for the benefit of our travelling supporters.